In addition to being a fundamental part of meeting LEED Energy and Atmosphere credit requirements (See EAPR1, EACR1, EACR5) energy modeling is a good tool for directing early design decisions. Once a model is assembled, it takes substantially less effort to investigate a variety of “what if” design scenarios looking for the lowest life-cycle-cost alternative.
Energy modeling directly addresses the oft-quoted cost of change phenomenon which is common with construction projects. In this model, changes to the building are substantially cheaper to make early on and are typically much more effectively integrated. Alternatively, once construction begins and infrastructure gets covered up by gypsum and suspended ceilings, changes are much more expensive and tend to be less effectively implemented from a quality standpoint.
Building Energy Modeling by Pinnacle Energy Services helps building owners and facility managers qualify for incentives such as EPAct Tax Deductions, demonstrate compliance with the ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Standard, and perform life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of various building system options.
Pinnacle Energy Services uses industry-recognized Trane Trace 700 economic analysis software as well as the Department of Energy’s EQuest application to compare the economic and energy efficiency of various HVAC systems. This is done by examining different areas of building projects including architectural elements, HVAC systems, building scheduling and use, and economic considerations.
Project profile: To satisfy the Arkansas State Board of Education Design Guide requirements, Pinnacle modeled 4 separate HVAC options to determine the most life-cycle cost effective approach in designing an 80,000-square-foot high school in southwest Arkansas. Inflation, maintenance, and the cost of capital were all parameters modeled in the study which spanned 50 years and the results of which were used to direct the school board as to which HVAC system to purchase.